
Why should I choose a Bootcamp?
• Our Bootcamp has vast experience in delivering over 8 years of bootcamp sessions  
• Has periodic assessments to measure fitness progress
• Builds self esteem, confidence, partner and team morale
• Promotes encouragement and support for each other
• Makes exercising enjoyable and addictive
• Trainers connect with each individual to motivate
• We cater for all fitness levels. You won’t be left behind
• Each session is different
• Consideration is given to participants' mental and emotional levels

What Bootcamps do you offer?
• Beyond Bootcamp focuses exclusively on ladies fitness.
• Geelong Sunrise Bootcamp focuses on fitness for ladies and men.
• Please refer our Programs page for more information.

What sort of exercises are involved?
Its boxing based and so much more:
¨ butt & thigh conditioning
¨ short distance running
¨ hill running/walking
¨ strength - weights & resistance tubing
¨ core conditioning
¨ body weight resistance training
¨ stair work
¨ partner drills
¨ circuit training
¨ goal setting exercises

What equipment do you use:
You'll use your bodyweight plus sandbags, dumbbells, resistance bands, ropes, ankle weights, pull up equipment, tyres, cardio speed ladders, boxing gear, resistance harnesses plus much much more.

What type of results can I expect?
¨ Reduction in body fat
¨ Increased strength & endurance
¨ Increased core strength
¨ Greatly Improved Posture
¨ Weight loss
¨ 100% gain in self-confidence
¨ Improved mind/body balance

I don't really like exercising but I know I need it. How can you help me?
We distract you. Disguising exercise in the form of challenges and assignments, having you interact with a partner or team, sugar-coating your workout you could say to make it taste great.

Is this different to working out in a gym or on my own?
Yes! The program has a specific time frame, so no time to procrastinate about participating. Fellow Bootcampers stay focused and help you perform at your best. Having the same trainers and participants creates awesome group dynamics, bonding with trainers and participants. We keep you involved, focused and motivated.

What happens when you first join? 

We take you through a creative fitness assessment to establish a base line to enable to measure your progress. Its easy and quick.

How fit do I have to be?

We cater for the fit to completely unfit. Our job is to get improvement at all fitness levels. If you are fit enough to walk, you qualify.

What if I have an injury/illness?
If medically cleared to exercise, please let your trainer know as soon as possible.  We'll be able to modify your bootcamp program to still improve your fitness levels while you're recovering.

Will you yell at me if I can't do something?
No way! We want you to continue in an exercise routine for the rest of your life & enjoy exercising. Your fitness test results will show how far you can go and will encourage you to work to your best level of fitness. We will be on your back but in a nice way.

What do I wear?
If you have a Beyond Bootcamp singlet, please wear that along with exercise clothing that you don’t mind becoming soiled/wet and well fitting exercise shoes.

What if its raining?
We train! Expect to get wet. If it is pouring, we're fortunate to have some undercover facilities close to Eastern Beach. If it's pouring or stormy, your trainer has the option of relocating. If there's inclement weather, check in on Facebook, or meet at the usual location where you'll be advised of the plan. In the unlikely event that a session is cancelled, you'll be able to do a makeup session in the morning/evening.

What do I bring to training?
Most importantly – any medication you may need such as ventolin etc. Bring a filled water bottle, wear sunscreen and aeroguard.

Where will we be training?
Our primary location is Eastern Beach, but we also utilise all the outdoor areas available to us along the Geelong Waterfront.

Where do we meet?
Evenings - Beyond Bootcamp - we meet at the white fountain between the two sets of stair

Mornings - Geelong Sunrise Bootcamp - we meet at the most eastern point of the bottom carpark (Ritchie Blvd)

What are the days and times of program?

Beyond Bootcamp (Ladies) - Monday/Wednesday at 6.00pm
Geelong Sunrise Bootcamp (Mixed) - Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 6.00am

What if I am running late or unable to attend?
Please phone, text or message us! Some sessions are planned on numbers so this allows us to replan the session.  Every session starts on time. Please be there 5 minutes prior to session!

Refer to our Programs page for details.

How do I sign up?
1) Complete the On-Line Registration Form
2) Make your payment on-line through the website or email/phone us for internet bank transfer details, cheque or cash payments and we'll arrange the rest for you. 
